This run was LONG. I thought I was ready. I had my fuel, my water (2L), put on sunscreen as it was supposed to be a sunny warmer day. We started slow and I was doing well until about 26K. As we headed up our second long climb of the day along Branch 21 (where we saw the cougar 2 weeks ago), I went from feeling great to feeling totally crappy in a matter of minutes. The sun was hot on our heads at that point, I was sweating, and I totally felt like I was going to be sick. Really sick. I didn't want to eat. My head was swimming and pounding, and I just felt like curling up on a ball. I had been eating on schedule, drinking on schedule, but upon taking stock, determined that I must be suffering from hyponatremia. Luckily, Sarah had some S-caps in her pack and I took 2 salt pills. Slowed to a walk up most of the climb and just focused on 1 foot in front of the other. It took a good 30-45 minutes before I was feeling better again. Splashing water on my face from a creek helped, as did getting back into the cool of the forest plus eating more salty potatoes.
PS: My hamstring/sciatic nerve has recovered nicely. I had treatments from 2 stellar therapists this week. Sue Whitehouse at Cedar Therapeutic Massage worked wonders on me on Tues, and my coworker Kendra Mulligan at Ascent Physiotherapy tuned me up on Wed. Between the 2 of them I feel amazingly better so THANK-YOU ladies!
Total Distance: 41.0K, elevation gain 1110m
Time: 5:20
Fuel: 1 Oskri bar, 1 Lara bar, 2 SunRype fruit bars, 1 cup potatoes, 1 Power Gel
Notes on Fuel: needed more electrolytes, but the sugar/carbs worked well
Post run recovery: Soaked feet in ice water, contrast shower, epsom salt bath, compression socks, water, salty snacks and iced my knees this evening as they got pretty sore
Plans for next week: Taking it easy for another 40K next Sunday
Gratitude: Sunshine and warmer weather and running buddy with salt pills in her pack!
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