Sunday 23 February 2014

Playing in the Snow!

Kim, Sarah, Pascale

Early this morning Canada won the men's hockey olympic gold medal!  We celebrated in true Canadian spirit with a 16K trail run in the snow at Seal Bay Park.  I know I mentioned in my last post that it rarely snows here...well, this was one of those rare Sunday mornings!  While most people stayed inside, we romped and played along snow covered trails and ducked under heavily laden branches, narrowly missing having one crash down on us!

This week was a drop-down week.  The program Sarah has me on builds for 2 weeks, then drops back for 1 week.  It was a perfect day for a stress-free easy run with good friends.

I have decided to try to eat whole foods for running fuel this year as much as possible.  A second huge source of inspiration for me has been the book Eat & Run by Scott Jurek.  I listened to it in audiobook format last summer during long runs, and purchased the book recently so I could have the recipes readily available.  I tried one of his Rice Balls during my run today...1/2 c sushi rice with 1/4 tsp miso in the middle, wrapped in a half sheet of nori.  Yummy!  Went down easily, no tummy upset. These balls have 20g of carbs and about 100 calories.  I plan to try them again during my 27K run next week seeing as I have a freezer full of them now.  I hope the snow melts by then!

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